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Stoem#13-Lifecycle’s Ride

I still remember the day I went to the shop across my society to take of the training wheels off my cycle. I was super excited to take rounds around my society, but every round I would look forward to the slope. I loved every bit of going down the slope, the thrill, the speed, the wind across my face. However, when the same slope had to be travelled up on, I would frown at the thought. Often, if I was with my dad, I would ask him to take it up the slope, just to enjoy bring it down again, much to his annoyance. But when I look back at this experience as a bystander, I realize it’s the exact opposite when it comes to life. It’s the uphills we crave and the downhills we hate! This led to the writing of this stoem, hope you enjoy it!

With a foot on the pedal,
you stare at the life’s road.
You embark on your journey,
Not knowing what it holds.
Within you is an ambition,
To reach the mountains crest,
you begin to push your limits,
Put yourself to the test.
steeper the upward slope,
harder is the fight.
The climb is slow and steady,
Success isn’t overnight.
But a mistake, weakness or fate,
That triggers your downfall,
Always much faster than the climb,
You seem to lose it all.
You try to grasp at straws,
Your helpless self about to retreat
But your stubborn mind and heart,
Don’t let you stop your feet.
crossroads tempt you with an easier way,
But you stick to the hard lane,
The momentum downhill, though unreckoned,
was the wisdom that you had gain.
This gives you a boost at the next uphill,
With a little less distance to cover,
A little you already knew,
A little more you will discover.
Until you conquer to mountain you wanted,
You see the view and smile,
And when you look back, you know,
the ups and downs made it worthwhile.


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